System Run-time Assessment

Linux checklist

For mission-critical systems no matter what task you need to perform (migration, troubleshooting, configuration or just a simple reboot), especially for the systems you are not dealing deeply on a day-to-day basis, it’s always good to capture current run-time parameters - this step alone can save you hours of troubleshooting... [Read More]

Cost Calculation

CapEx, OpEx, TCO and ROI

Cost calculation those days is a mandatory skill for Sysadmins, as no IT project comes without cost. Here I will try to briefly explain what are main cost composition factors as well as less obvious ones. This should help you to discuss your next IT project with your shareholders and/or... [Read More]

Manage your fleet like a Boss

Case for OS Configuration Management

Whether you’re responsible for a handful or a few hundreds of servers - you should use Configuration Management tool. Introduction Configuration Management tools are no-news for more than two decades now. CFengine pioneered the field in 1993 with Puppet and Chef following in 2005 and 2009 respectively with more solutions... [Read More]