This site was inspired by my own motto: Improve. So, this is my small contribution to overal improvement of IT infrastructure as I hope experience shared here will be usefull to improve someone’s else infrastructure or even proffessional level. I don’t position this site as single source of truth or expertize - there are many outhere with greater expertize, but I also understand there are a lot of people who will find this resource usefull.

I publish here how-to’s articles, guides and case studies based on my own experience. In addition to original content I share here links considered usefull. Original content is split into 3 main tracks, each including topcs of interest:

  • People
    • Personal development
    • Team Management
    • Stakeholders
    • Talent search and acquisition
    • Communication and conflict resolution
    • Estimation
    • Productivity
  • Process
    • Solution Design
    • Service Operation
    • Budgeting and financial feasibility
    • Project scoping & planning
    • Compliance
    • Metrics & KPIs
    • Methodologies and frameworks
  • Technology
    • Network
    • Server
    • Application
    • Security
    • Monitoring
    • Virtualization & Cloud
    • Containers
    • Databases
    • Infrastructure-as-a-Code